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My Presentation and Travel Equipment

7 minute read

This month in a chat with the speakers of ESPC one of the United States based speakers asked about some travel gear recommendations. I shared my travel gear ...

Docker Volume Location on Windows

2 minute read

Like a lot of engineers nowadays, I use Docker for my development environment. I have a Windows 11 machine with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and I use ...

Working with the LinkedIn API with C#

17 minute read

The last day few days, I have been experimenting with the LinkedIn API to send my blog posts, YouTube videos, and community updates automatically to my Linke...

Coding with JoeG - Reboot

less than 1 minute read

Tomorrow, August 11th, 2023, I will kick off my Coding with JoeG stream again and I’ll be joined by Richard Dudley. We’ll start the stream at 1pm MST/PST, 4p...