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ASP.NET Core 5 and Angular - Book Review

1 minute read

Overall I enjoyed the outline and flow of this book. The author does an excellent job explaining things and makes no assumptions that the reader “knows it.”...

Using Yarn with ASP.NET Core Projects

7 minute read

Since I got bitten by the CI/CD bug, I’ve been looking at ways to clean up some code-bases and make it easier to deploy and store less unneeded files in my r...

Thanksgiving and Silver Linings

1 minute read

While I am grateful for the old man bladder that woke me up at 2 am (AZ time) only to realize that my daughter was not home yet which kept me up (thank you p...

Adding .NET 5 Support to Azure App Service

less than 1 minute read

Yesterday I updated the Contacts to .NET 5. Now the process was pretty easy, you can watch the video here, however once published to Azure App Service I got...