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Clean up some .NET Clutter

2 minute read

As some of you know, I do a lot of public speaking and blogging, although the blogging seems to have taken a vacation lately :smile:. One of the side effect...

This post was written with GitHub Copilot

3 minute read

In this post, I will be writing about how I used GitHub Copilot to write this post. You might be thinking that GitHub Copilot is a for writing code and you w...

7 Windows 11 Tips

4 minute read

It’s July 11th, or 7/11/21 (in the U.S.), so I am bringing you 7 Windows 11 tips. See what I did there. :smile: I know, it’s corny, and really only applicabl...

Windows 11 - A First Look

5 minute read

Windows 11 or I am calling it right now, the Who Moved My Cheese Edition, was announced and shown to the world a few days ago. Why do you call it the Who Mov...