8 minute read

I’ve been streaming ‘Coding with JoeG’ on Twitch for a few months now. The general theme of the stream is teaching software development with C#. We’ve been building a contact management application to demonstrate some best practices. About two weeks ago, or so, I added an Azure Storage Blob Container to hold the images of the contacts. I did this using the way I knew how to do it using Storage Access Keys and a library, JosephGuadagno.AzureHelpers.Storage, that I wrote to make it ‘easier’ to interact with Azure Storage. While talking about the stream on Twitter, Christos, PM on the Microsoft Identity team, reached out and said I should try securing the Container/Blob with Managed Identity. I tried on the stream for a good 5 or so hours and could not get it to work. If you want to see it, check out the recording of the stream on my YouTube channel.

  • Security Azure Blob Using Microsoft Identity Part 1
  • Security Azure Blob Using Microsoft Identity Part 2
  • Security Azure Blob Using Microsoft Identity Part 3
  • Security Azure Blob Using Microsoft Identity Part 4
  • Security Azure Blob Using Microsoft Identity Part 5

Well, I was playing around yesterday after reading the Azure SDK - Azure Identity August 2020 General Availability Release notes, wow that is a long title! :smile:, and I got it to work! :relieved:

The basic steps are:

  1. Register an application with Azure
  2. Assign a role to that application. More on this later.
  3. Allow that application access to the container.
  4. Pass the identity of the application to the Azure SDK or JosephGuadagno.AzureHelpers.Storage.
  5. Celebrate your secure connection!

But before we talk about securing Azure Storage Blob Containers, let’s look out what Azure RBAC is. Azure RBAC, or Azure Role-Based Access Control, is an authorization system built on Azure Resource Manager that provides fine-grained access management of Azure resources. It allows you to create roles or use predefined roles for your applications. Azure Storages has many predefined roles. The Azure Storage Container ones are as follows:

Role Description
Storage Blob Data Owner Use to set ownership and manage POSIX access control for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. For more information, see Access control in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.
Storage Blob Data Contributor Use to grant read/write/delete permissions to Blob storage resources.
Storage Blob Data Reader Use to grant read-only permissions to Blob storage resources.
Storage Blob Delegator Get a user delegation key to use to create a shared access signature that is signed with Azure AD credentials for a container or blob.
Storage Queue Data Contributor Use to grant read/write/delete permissions to Azure queues.
Storage Queue Data Reader Use to grant read-only permissions to Azure queues.
Storage Queue Data Message Processor Use to grant peek, retrieve, and delete permissions to messages in Azure Storage queues.
Storage Queue Data Message Sender Use to grant add permissions to messages in Azure Storage queues.

Registering the Application

The first step in getting authentication working for your application is registering the application with Azure. There are two different ways to register your application. I’ll show you both ways here.

Azure CLI

If you don’t have the CLI installed and you prefer the command, check out the installation instructions.

To register your application with Azure using the Azure CLI, open up Terminal, Bash, Command Prompt, ITerm, or whatever your preferred command prompt is.

First, you need to log in with the command line.

az login

After you are logged in, the next step would be to create the Azure Active Directory service principal. This registers the application. You can use the ad sp command, which stands for ‘Active Directory’ ‘Service Principal’. We are going to use create-for-rbac sub-command Documentation.

The command looks similar to this.

az ad sp create-for-rbac `
  --name "<name>" `
  --role "<role>" `
  --scopes /subscriptions/<scope-subscription>/resourceGroups/<scope-resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<scope-resource-storage>

NOTE This should be entered in one line, or use the backtick

Replace the following ‘tokens’ with your actual values

Name Description
name The name for the application
role The Azure Active Directory role you want to assign to this application
scope-subscription The subscription id of you Azure subscription
scope-resource-group The resource group that the storage container belongs to
scope-resource-storage The Azure Storage container you want to grant access to

Since the name and role can contain spaces, you should wrap them in double quotes (“).

Assuming you have the authorization and syntax-correct, the call will return a JSON file that looks like this:

  "appId": "6c04f5c5-97f7-486d-bbb2-eeeeeeeeee",
  "displayName": "HelpersTestRole",
  "name": "https://HelpersTestRole",
  "password": "QPxyBvw3.UE8Bw6AJAt63pWx~BB40deded",
  "tenant": "bee716cf-fa94-4610-b72e-5df4bf5a9999"

Note I’ve changed the values here from the values I received.

At this point, you’ll want to save values of the appId, password, and tenant. Once you close your terminal you will now be able to retrieve the password again.

You can find more about this approach on Azure Documentation site

Azure Portal

If you are like me, you like to do most of the work in the portal, although I find myself using the command line more. Let’s take a look at registering your application with the portal.

Register the Application

Start off with signing into the portal and navigate to your Azure Active Directory. Look for the ‘App Registrations’ blade in the menu on the left and click on it.

Click on ‘+ New registration’

Register new Application

Name Value Description
Name my application The name you want to identify with this application
Supported account types Accounts in any organization... Chose the type that fits your needs
Redirect URI (Optional)   This is required if you are going to be using the application to sign in. I’m leaving this blank for local development
  • Click ‘Register’

You will be presented with the information around the application. Copy down the ‘Application (client) ID’ and the ‘Directory (tenant) ID’ for use later.

New Application

  • Find the ‘Certificates & secrets’ link on the menu on the left and click it.
  • Click ‘+ New client secret’
  • Add a description. The Azure CLI names it rbac but I don’t think the name matters.
  • Chose an expires in option.
  • Copy the value.

NOTE This is your only opportunity to copy it. If you don’t, you will need to recreate it.

Assign the Role

Now we need to assign a role to the application which allows the application to use the Azure Storage container.

Navigate to the container that you want to provide access and click on ‘Access control (IAM’) on the left menu.

There are two ways to add the role. Option 1, click the ‘+ Add’, then ‘Add role assignment’. Option 2, click the ‘Add’ button.

Add IAM Role

Enter the following:

Name Value Description
Role Storage Blob Data Contributor Add what makes sense for your application. Not sure what setting to use, hover over the ‘i’ or check out the permissions mentioned earlier in this post.
Assign access to Azure AD user, group, or service principal  
Select The name you entered in the previous step The default will be your user id. Type in the first couple of characters of the application you added in the previous step

Add Role Assignment

  • Click ‘Save’

You can verify the changes by using the ‘Check access’ section of the blade.

You can find more about this approach on Azure Documentation site

Updating the Application Code

The Azure SDK added support for using credentials instead of just the shared storage keys. I added the same support to JosephGuadagno.AzureHelpers.Storage, since underneath the hood it uses the Azure SDK.

Both SDKs take a TokenCredential that can be one of many types. For this post, we are going to allow the SDK to do the work for us by providing the DefaultAzureCredential. The DefaultAzureCredential will look through many ‘different sources’ for credential data, including but not limited to, the Environment, Shared Token Cache, Visual Studio, IntelliJ, and many more. You read more about it in the Azure Identity August 2020 GA Release Notes.

Using the Azure SDK

As of the writing of this post, you would need version 1.2.0 of the Azure SDK

Install-Package Azure.Identity -Version 1.2.0

Replace <storage-account> with the name of your Azure Storage account

To connect to a blob client, you would use the following code:

// Create a BlobServiceClient that will authenticate through Active Directory
Uri accountUri = new Uri("https://<storage-account>.blob.core.windows.net/");
BlobServiceClient client = new BlobServiceClient(accountUri, new DefaultAzureCredential());

To create a blob

private static async Task<string> CreateBlob()
    // Replace the URL below with your storage account URL
    CloudBlockBlob blob =
        new CloudBlockBlob(
            new Uri("https://<storage-account>.blob.core.windows.net/<container>/Blob1.txt"),
            new DefaultAzureCredentials());
    await blob.UploadTextAsync("Blob created by Azure AD authenticated user.");
    return "Blob successfully created";

Using JosephGuadagno.AzureHelpers.Storage

As of the writing of this post, you would need version 1.1.0-20200821.1-preview of the library. It’s in preview because I have to finish the docs and tests for the newly added methods.

Install-Package JosephGuadagno.AzureHelpers.Storage -Version 1.1.0-20200821.1-preview

Replace storageAccount with the name of your Azure Storage account.

Replace containerName with the name of the Azure Storage container.

To connect to a blob client, you would use the following code:

var blobs = new Blobs(storageAccount, null);

To create a blob

var blobs = new Blobs(storageAccount, null, containerName);
await blobs.UploadAsync("blob1.txt", "path_to_file");

Local Development

Your setup may vary depending on the IDE you are using, Visual Studio, Jetbrains Rider, IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, etc. I’m going to show you how to set up your Environment variables to use the DefaultAzureCredentials. For this, you will need the Application (Client) ID, Directory (Tenant) ID, and Client Secret (password).


  • Open up your environment variables.
  • Enter the following environment variables.
Name Corresponding Value Value
AZURE_CLIENT_ID The Azure application/client id 6c04f5c5-97f7-486d-bbb2-eeeeeeeeee
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret/password QPxyBvw3.UE8Bw6AJAt63pWx~BB40deded
AZURE_TENANT_ID The directory/tenant id bee716cf-fa94-4610-b72e-5df4bf5a9999

NOTE These are not real values! :smile: These values were taken from the sample JSON response above.

NOTE Depending on your IDE, Terminal, etc, you may need to restart it after updating these values.


The procedure may vary depending on your environment/shell. For ZSH/bash, add the following your profile.

export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=6c04f5c5-97f7-486d-bbb2-eeeeeeeeee
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=QPxyBvw3.UE8Bw6AJAt63pWx~BB40deded
export AZURE_TENANT_ID=bee716cf-fa94-4610-b72e-5df4bf5a9999

Azure App Service

To add the access permissions to an Azure Storage Account to an App Service is identical to adding it to our app that we did previously. The only different is we select the name of the app service we want to provide the access to.

Next Steps

Wow, that was a lot. Any questions, please feel free to send me and email or tweet. Like what you see, watch my stream and/or subscribe to my YouTube channel.


A recording of me explaining this on my Twitch stream.