Why I Organize Desert Code Camp
While I was mingling at the Desert Code Camp after party, I was talking to a long time attendee, Liz. Liz makes the drive up from Tucson every year to attend the event. Liz and I were chatting for a bit when she told me how much she loved Desert Code Camp and how much she has learned from it. She also told me a few tips and tricks that she learned over the years to be about to handle all of the learning that happens. She was kind enough to share this with me so I will share it with you.
I learned some things about how to benefit myself best from DCC through the years. I used to go to all the sessions of which I knew nothing about and try to get some basic understanding. As it turned out, I usually felt a bit defeated because it was a lot more complicated than I anticipated, and required more fundamental understanding and skills than I had. The day, although enjoyable, would be highly arduous cognitively speaking. I would be very tired at the end and had a hard time even paying attention. This year, I finally did it right. I previewed the web site as often as time would allow and took notes on technologies listed. I perused them and let my mind wander to how I could use this and what I would want to learn from this. I began an interactive relationship with the subject before the actual camp. I picked sessions of which I had at least a little bit of understanding initially or picked sessions with which I could do a little bit of research beforehand to prime my brain. I also know that after the wonderful traditional pizza and pasta lunch, I get a bit sleepy. Not only did I work a little nap in on lunch hour, but I deliberately picked afternoon sessions which would be lighter as far as subject matter or presenter charisma so that I would be more engaged. As it turned out, this conference has been the best for me so far. Thanks to Joe Guadagno, Gilbert Chandler Community College, the sponsors and the volunteers for bringing together a fantastic camp.
People ask me all the time why do I organize Desert Code Camp every year? Why do I spend an average of 480 a year putting it together? This is the reason. I am able to help people and make an impact on their lives. One of my life mantras is “Leave this world better than it was when you came into it”. I hope you can make an impact too.
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